
Are you struggling to find and KEEP employees?

Do you have issues in your organization with poor productivity, employees in conflict, performance issues, etc.?

Business owners often hire for knowledge and skills and end up firing because of attitude and behavior issues. Too many companies have made the mistake of hiring the right person for the wrong job or promoting an excellent employee into a position beyond their ability.

What’s the Solution?

Using a job-fit assessment can help determine the personality traits that generate top performers and the cognitive skills that assure productivity. Individuals who are properly matched against the job requirements have higher levels of success and overall job satisfaction.

Employee selection and management processes are too often clouded by subjectivity and incomplete information to be as effective as they should be. Job-fit assessments allow you to easily and consistently measure and compare applicants with objective information that is critical in the hiring decision.

Consultations with the E Group Partners assessment experts is offered with every assessment.

What are the Benefits of using Assessments?

  • Revealing an individual’s true talents and identifying developmental gaps
  • Providing metrics to clearly compare candidates in the hiring process
  • Offering a comparison of abilities with those required by the job
  • Generating focused follow-up interview questions based on a candidate’s results
  • Providing objectivity in the interview and selection process
  • Creating evidence of due diligence in the event of litigation
  • Deriving benchmarks of successful performers
  • Developing specific training and development programs
  • Giving direction on managing and onboarding new employees

Contact E Group Partners, Inc. today to learn more…