Top 10 Reasons: When should you hire your first employee?
1. When you have more business/work than you can handle and are not able to take on new clients or more projects for existing ones. 2. When you find yourself saying “I’m sorry…” for being late, not returning calls or emails, or missing deadlines. The demand for your...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Scaling Your Business
People often use “scale” and “growth” interchangeably, but while related, they are two different things. Growing a business means increasing revenue, but you are likely also using more resources (such as hiring more staff to deal with more customers or trying to win...
The Fundamental Attribution Error – Why do some people act like jerks?
We aren’t all that good at accurately attributing causality. We jump to unflattering conclusions. The chief error we make is a simple one: We assume that people do what they do because of personality factors or flawed character. Why did that woman steal from a...
Top 10 Ways To Show Employees Appreciation
In today's challenging times, it is very important to show your appreciation for your employees. Here are some simple ways that can go a long way in employee retention. Know their name – as well as their spouse or partner and kids. Say “Good morning …” and “Goodbye…”...
What Good is a Job Description?
Without a well-crafted job description, both employer and employee often lack a mutual understanding of roles, responsibilities, and anticipated levels of performance. A good job description also spells out the knowledge, abilities, and skills required to perform a...
The Surprising Power of Peer Coaching
There are substantial benefits of small-group coaching such as Entrepreneurs Group and E Group for Start-Ups. There are powerful learning interactions among leaders of small businesses who are connected by their business struggles, need for success, sincere desire to...
Want to hire great people and keep them from quitting?
In our current labor market, business owners are struggling more than ever to find top talent. E Group Partners, Inc. is here to help take the steps off your busy plate. We have the ability to augment your process where you need it the most. Utilize Suzanne's ideas to...
11 Scary Truths About Entrepreneurship No One Talks About
This is an excellent article that was published in the Chicago Tribune – 6/12/17 By Ravin Gandhi. Ravin's insights into the realities of entrepreneurship are a helpful read for those considering starting a business or is in the early entrepreneur stage. Recently, I...
10 Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make in the Start-Up Phase
In our current market, entrepreneurs are starting new businesses at an increasing rate. There are some common pitfalls and mistakes newly formed businesses make in the early stages: Going it alone. One word - scalability. If you are the only person involved, it is...
Converting a Gripe into a Goal
Redefining Problems to Make Them Solvable How gratifying is it to listen to people's gripes? Often, complaints are presented to the listener as overwhelming troubles. By the very nature of how they are presented, they sound insurmountable. "There is no such thing as...
Can Your Company Pass a Human Capital Stress Test?
Recently the Federal Government required many of the country’s biggest banks to assess the viability of the capital the banks held. One of the reasons the Fed did this was to evaluate the processes and systems in place surrounding their assets. For a bank, cash is...
Become a Networking Catalyst
In networking, there are 3 kinds of people – those who wait and watch for things to happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what the heck just happened A catalyst is one who makes things happen. Without a catalyst, there is no spark and nothing much...
Being an Entrepreneur is not for Everyone…
Are you one of the Corporate Fatalities from this year’s pandemic?” Does the idea of running a small company seem idyllic? What could be more exciting than building a business from the ground up? You’ll bootstrap it, call all the shots and make all the rules. You’re...